
7th & Bixel To-day

Look familiar? Bears some similitude to that building we blogged on April 12? Palmer apparently elected to hire not an architect but a designer, and hire said designer only once. What other rationale explains the eerie similarity-that whisper of “Tuscan Fortress”-shared by the Visconti, Piero, Orsini, and Medici? This one, for those who can’t tell them apart, is the Medici: famous for its thin walls, dismissive management, drunken students and absence of guest parking. (While Palmer didn’t include any low-income units, to his credit, he also didn’t take a nickel in public money.) But enough of the Palmerwatch. There are still some tiny pockets of old LA in the area around 7th & Bix; good times to be had by the urban archaeologist.

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