and the new year is…

Gentle reader, we’ve concluded our explorations of the good year 1907, and now turn our jaundiced gaze to a fresh chronological target. Our next year is both keen and nifty, where the bubbles in the market are nearly as dangerous as the fizz in your bathtub gin. Come along with us now, not backward this time, but forward, as we make the leap from sweet little 1907 to scandalous, jazz-age 1927 L.A. Bye bye, ostrich farms and bungalows, success waves and lemon fiends. We’ll miss you more than you’ll ever know, but we just can’t stay. The lure of the unknown is just too strong, not to mention the rumors of dresses that show the knee. Hotsy totsy!

We’re pleased to announce a new contributor to the site, Mary McCoy. Look for her posts every Wednesday, and should you find yourself downtown on Thursday March 29, drop by the Central Library at 12:15 to hear her 45 minute presentation on "L.A. True Crime-Fact or Fiction."

What secrets does 1927 hold close to her pretty chest? Stay tuned as we unwrap the flap, exposing scandals, oddities, horrors and delights, and maybe, just maybe, a murder on your block!